IFES is pleased to announce RFP: Development and the Implementation of Media Outreach Campaign - RFP/14/052.
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to invite prospective service providers to submit a proposal, quotations and technical specifications for the development and the implementation of a media outreach campaign to target perception-based barriers toward women's political participation,that stigmatize female politicians in Georgia, prevent women from seeking office, and deter voters and political parties from considering the benefits of increased gender equity. The RFP provides service providers with the relevant operational and performance requirements.
It is mandatory for bidders to send a one-page proposal that includes relevant work experience and a budget in electronic copy via e-mail to info@ifes.ge on prior to 14:00 local Tbilisi time on February 21.
Bidders should also submit samples of past public service announcements (PSAs) on a DVD on or prior to the deadline; DVDs can be delivered to:
IFES Georgia
7 Niko Nikoladze Str.
0108, Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: (832) 2999309
source: jobs.ge