Subject: RFP for International Organization to Organize a Summer School on Women's Role in Confidence and Peace-Building/UN Women IAGE Project
1. You are requested to submit a proposal for consulting services, as per enclosed Terms of Reference (TOR).
2. To enable you to submit a proposal, attached are:
i. Instructions to Offerors (Annex I)
ii. General Conditions of Contract (Annex II)
iii. Terms of Reference (TOR) (Annex III)
iv. Proposal Submission Form (Annex IV)
v. Price Schedule/Financial Proposal (Annex V)
3. Your offer comprising of (1) technical proposal and (2) price schedule/financial proposal, in separate sealed envelopes, marked with "RFP for International Organization to Organize a Summer School on Women's Role in Confidence and Peace-Building/UN Women IAGE Project" should reach the UN Women Georgia office no later than March 26, 2014, 17.00 (Tbilisi time) at:
UN Women Georgia
3 Kavsadze St., Office Suite 11, 0179, Tbilisi
Attention: UN Women Country Representative in Georgia
Contact person for clarifications: Khatuna Kunchulia,
4. If you request additional information, we would endeavour to provide information expeditiously, but any delay in providing such information will not be considered a reason for extending the submission date of your proposal.
5. You are requested to acknowledge receipt of this letter and to indicate whether or not you intend to submit a proposal.