RFA: Assessment on Constraints Journalists Face in Covering Refo

  • Contests
  • Announcer: Deloitte Consulting Overseas Project
  • Date of Announcement: 22.04.2015
  • Deadline: 15.05.2015
  • Link: http://www.jobs.ge/91982/
Governing for Growth (G4G) in Georgia is a five-year USAID funded Project implemented by Deloitte Consulting LLP since August 2014.
G4G aims is to support the Government of Georgia to create a better enabling environment in which legal and regulatory reforms are fairly and transparently conceived, implemented and enforced providing a level playing field for small and medium size enterprise growth.
G4G Project is pleased to announce Request for Grant Applications RFA # 2015-009 "Assessment on Constraints Journalists Face in Covering Reforms."