Call for Proposal: Policy Analysis and Research Grants 2

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Georgia within the frames of Project” Support to Public Administration Reforms in Georgia through the Governance Reform Fund” announces Civil Service Innovation Grants - Supporting the Public Administration Reform (PAR).
Primary purpose of the Civil Service Innovation Grants is to support initiatives that contribute to the smooth, effective and timely implementation of ongoing Public Administration Reform (PAR). Therefore, applying organizations are expected to devise proposals on the most topical and challenging areas wherever most needed. CSOs are seen in this process as key possible partners of relevant government institutions to fill in the existing gaps and provide innovative, practical solutions.
Deadline for applications is 30 December 2016, 17:00 hrs. Tbilisi time. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered
The consultation meeting will be held on 16 and 23 December at 15:00 hrs. at Phaliashvili 15.