Non-key Short-Term Senior Expert: Creative Hackathon Trainer

The Programme aims to further strengthen cultural policies, particularly the Cultural and Creative Sectors, and to strengthen the capacities of the culture sector and the culture operators in the EaP countries. It also aims to increase the links between public institutions and private actors and to include civil society in the decision making process, thus enhancing the role of culture as a driving-force for reform, promotion of inter-cultural dialogue and social cohesion.
The concept for the Hackathon was initiated by the Programme’s Steering Committee, who wanted to develop activities for young people. The activity is part of Component 2: Capacity-building in support of modernisation and reform in the cultural sector. Therefore the Programme is looking for the hackathon to generate creative ideas in relation to the cultural and creative industries sector.
The Programme is keen to make its activities as inclusive as possible to all members of society and has therefore decided to make this hackathon open to young participants with disabilities.