2017 Human Rights Prize of the French Republic Call for application

Applications are now open for the 2017 "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” Human Rights Prize of the French Republic. Set up in 1988, this Prize is awarded every year in recognition and support for the completion of individual or collective actions carried out to protect human rights around the world. This year, non- governmental organisations and  individual candidates can submit a  project proposal linked to  one  of the following themes:
1)   Freedom of information, freedom of the press and journalism
Winning projects, actions and programmes will aim to ensure respect and promotion of freedom of information, freedom of the press and the independence of media and journalists, regardless of their nature and in all mediums – be they written, multimedia or online blogs – in the face of political influence, economic power, conflicts of interests and pressures of any sort. They may also include training programmes or actions to promote these freedoms and journalism.
Measures to defend or protect individuals threatened, censored or arrested and their families (legal, social assistance, etc.) for their activism may also be selected as well as actions to protect and strengthen rules on the safety and independence of journalists and whistle-blowers.
NGO actions may also seek to raise international public awareness, so as to measure the scale of breaches of freedom of information and freedom of the press, or aimed at encouraging the exercise of these freedoms and action to ensure their respect.
2)   Promotion and protection of sexual and reproductive rights
Projects to assist or support women and girls in order to allow them to enjoy the best state of sexual health possible, enabling them for example to access sexual and reproductive health services, may be candidates.
Projects could also involve actions aimed at developing sex education initiatives or information programmes on  sexual  and  reproductive health,  whatever the  gender  and  sexual  orientation and  identity of  the  target audiences.
Lastly, projects fostering the inclusion of sexual minorities and promotion everyone’s right for respect for their
physical integrity and the choice of their partner and sexual orientation could also be eligible.
Candidates – NGOs or individuals – must submit their applications  before the deadline of 15 October 2017 to the Secretariat General of the CNCDH by post (35 rue Saint-Dominique, 75007 Paris, France) or by e-mail (cncdh@cncdh.pm.gouv.fr)
Source: ge.ambafrance.org