
Youth Agency works on creation of a “State Youth Strategy 2025”
Evaluation of a process of selection of professional members of the Supreme Election Commission of Adjara
Training for Trainers
12 years since the August war and grave consequences of the war
Statement of the Public Defender in regard to the 12th anniversary of the August war
World Press Photo prize winner photos of the August war
12 years since the August 2008 war: Russian disinformation and real facts
Statement of US Embassy in Georgia
Time Use Survey
Developments supported by EWMI ACCESS
Local EU Statement
Newsletter #361: Grants, Fellowships, Contests…
Harvest of young farmers - in “Mziuri”
Online meeting - Integrity and Transparency Strategy
Report on Activities of the Council of the Self-Governing City of Batumi Municipality
The short-term vocational training courses in Vet Technicians
USAID Continues to Help Georgia
The Analysis of Georgian Legislation and Case Law
Human Rights House Tbilisi presented a UPR report
Policy research document: Impact of COVID-19 on women
Evaluation of Performance of the City Council of Poti