
Status of implementation of the strategy and action plan of the judicial system
Amendments to the rules of procedure of the Parliament deteriorate legal status of the opposition
System of disciplinary liability of judges
Developments occurred around Adjara Public Broadcaster are still critical
Racism, capitalism, patriarchy - collection of translations
EMC: We call on the Tbilisi City Hall to protect residents of the Rekhi settlement from homelessness
Newsletter #352: Grants, Fellowships, Contests…
Lobbying activities of Georgia in the United States
Mental health and COVID-19
Employment policy in Georgia
IDFI Submitted a Report for Universal Periodic Review
EU announces new projects supporting vulnerable groups in the Covid-19 crisis
Explanations of a target state program for reduction of harm caused by COVID-19 and frequently asked questions
System of electronic distribution of cases in court
On Child Protection Day UNICEF calls for every child to have access to necessary services in Georgia
Training on FATF Recommendation 8 for NPOs
EMC demands protection of children from gambling industry
GYLA submitted its views regarding the package of amendments to the Labor Code to the Parliament of Georgia
Parliament should not support a bill on Information Security
GEL 40 Million Being Spent Without Tenders through Village Support Programme
How shall we distinguish trustworthy information about COVID 19 from non-trustworthy?
Submission of applications for online training courses has started