Citizen Outreach Grants Contest Winners

Tbilisi. On November 26, 2015 EWMI ACCESS announced a call for proposals for the Citizen Outreach Grants program (COG). The COG program aimed to support projects that ensure increased, effective, and sustained citizen engagement with CSO activities in the regions of Georgia. In light of the ongoing local self-governance reform, one of the key focus areas of the RfA was to encourage citizen engagement with local governments through establishing and/or strengthening of the Civic Advisory Councils. Out of the 43 submitted project proposals, EWMI ACCESS Grant Review Committee (GRC) selected 4 for funding.
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Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (August 2024-Octomber 2024)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (August 2024-Octomber 2024)