Participants successfully completed a Results-oriented Project Management program

The Civil Society Institute was implementing a Results-oriented Project Management program in Gori, Kutaisi and Batumi. It was created considering the latest approaches, existing in the development sector, and included five training modules for regional civil society organizations: systemic change; elaboration of indicators; project cycle management; monitoring and evaluation; participatory facilitation. Forty-three participants successfully completed the program and received a certificate.
Within the framework of the Result-oriented Project Management program there has also been created a book - ''Drive Social Change'', which is designed for the actors, engaged in civil society development, for those who wish a sustainable social change to be implemented. The book is compiled on the basis of contemporary international trends and describes how an impact oriented intervention should look, as well as how a systemic change should be achieved, provides a detailed review of participatory tools and documents, necessary for project management. The book ''Drive Social Change'', the author of which is Evelyn Speich-Baer, is created and published by the Civil Society Institute, with the support of GIZ and BFTW.
On May 25, 30 and 31 an awards ceremony took place (in Gori, Kutaisi and Batumi), where the participants were given certificates and books.
The ''Result-oriented Project Management'' program has been elaborated within the framework of the project - ''Improving enabling environment for civil society organizations and raising their effectiveness'', under the supervision of Evelyn Speich-Baer, invited international expert, and is designed on the basis of modern methods and standards. Financial support of the program is provided by ''Bread for the World''.


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency