IDFI’s assessment of Compliance with Sustainable Development Goal in Georgia

Tbilisi. Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 16.10.2 stipulates that states should adopt and implement constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information. This document provides an evaluation of the extent and quality to which ten selected public institutionsin Georgia implement legal and policy guarantees of freedom of information. The methodology used for the evaluation focuses on the second part of the Indicator alone, namely, implementation of guarantees. The report is prepared by the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI) based on the methodology developed by the Freedom of Information Advocates Network (FOIAnet). The rating and evaluation of existing right to information (RTI) laws is available at - IDFI selected 10 public institutions for the evaluation and tried to cover central public institutions, ministries as well as regulatory and special service bodies:
Monitoring results of the extent to which public institutions implement freedom of information legislation in Georgia demonstrated that public institutions do, overall, follow the requirements of Georgian legislation. They respond to freedom of information (FOI) requests, run public information web-pages on their official web-sites and implement certain institutional measures, such as appointing FOI officers and publishing annual reports on the implementation of right to information (RTI) legislation. However, the monitoring also identified considerable gaps regarding responses to FOI requests, implementation of certain institutional measures and proactive disclosure of information.
In full 
Source: The organization’s webpage


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