EMC evaluates the case of persecution and harassment committed against Tamar Mearakishvili

EMC evaluates the case of persecution and harassment committed against Tamar Mearakishvili
Tbilisi. "Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center” (EMC) calls on the Government to take effective political, diplomatic and legal measures due to the practice of persecution, carried out in the Tskhinvali region against Tamar Mearakishvili, an activist and journalist from Akhalgori.
"Despite the fact that the Government of Georgia fails to exercise effective control over the occupied territories, the International Human Rights Law imposes a positive obligation on it to use all available means to protect rights of Tamar Mearakishvili. Taking this into consideration, EMC calls on the State of Georgia to: timely and efficiently investigate the case of abduction of Tamar Mearakishvili, give a corresponding criminal qualification to actions taken by identified individuals and impose responsibility on relevant persons; ensure protection of rights of Tamar Mearakishvili via applying international legal mechanisms. In this context EMC considers it important to urge the Government of Georgia to make the case of Mearakishvili as part of the application submitted to the European Court of Human Rights by the third countries against Russia; while conducting negotiations at all international levels, intensively put the issue of protection of rights of Tamar, as an ethnically Georgian activist, in the agenda and emphasize the importance of her rights and interests in all international formats”, - is noted in the statement released by EMC.
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Source:The website of the organization


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