Group of Specialists/Experts Set up by Public Defender Issue Report No. 7 on Monitoring of Mikheil Saakashvili’s Medical Condition

Group of Specialists/Experts Set up by Public Defender Issue Report No. 7 on Monitoring of Mikheil Saakashvili’s Medical Condition

Tbilisi. As public is aware, on November 16, 2021, the Public Defender of Georgia, by order No. 157,[1] set up a group of specialists/experts in order to assess the adequacy and timeliness of the medical services provided to accused/convicted Mikheil Saakashvili.

In accordance with the mandate of the Public Defender of Georgia, the goal of the group of experts, since its creation, has been to monitor the medical services provided to the patient. The group has not been involved in the treatment of the patient.

Since information about the significant worsening of Mikheil Saakashvili's health condition has been actively disseminated in the recent period, the Public Defender decided to carry out another monitoring.

Accordingly, on December 4, 2022, four experts arrived at the VivaMedi clinic in order to personally examine Mikheil Saakashvili and check the relevant medical materials, and on December 5, in order to obtain additional detailed information on specific issues, one of the representatives of the expert group met with Mikheil Saakashvili’s doctor at VivaMedi.

The purpose of the visits on December 4-5 was to evaluate and describe the patient's condition, complaints and symptoms, as well as to assess the dynamics in relation to the previous visits, within the competence and capabilities of the Public Defender's group of experts.

According to the monitoring:

After the last assessment (27.04.2022), the patient's condition has deteriorated sharply and should be assessed as severe;

Deterioration in neurological status, worsening of anemia, anorexia and gastrointestinal processes are observed. Sharp and rapid weight loss, declining muscle mass, fever. The patient is also suffering from cachexia, which is a condition with a severe prognosis;

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