on Georgian Health Insurance Sector

Tbilisi. On July 27, "Transparency International - Georgia" has released the third report on the state of the Georgian health care sector. The project focuses on the pharmaceutical, insurance and hospital sectors. The report analyzes the state health insurance programs, as well as the existing environment in the Georgian health insurance sector. The report states that the key findings of research are based on an in-depth analysis of the insurance market developments in 2008-2012; in-depth interviews, structured interviews and large correspondence with all actors involved in this process, as well as the insurance sociological study, which was carried out in April-May 2012. The study included 252 beneficiaries of the state insurance program and 100 beneficiaries of corporate and individual insurance program, and in addition the control group consisting of 350 non-insured respondents. Further, the report includes recommendations for the Government of Georgia, the National Bank and the insurers. The project is implemented with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands.
Study - http://transparency.ge/post/report/tig-janmrtelobis-dazghvevis-sektoris-kvlevas-aqveynebs


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