Transparency International Georgia and JumpStart Georgia address Parliament

Tbilisi. Transparency International Georgia and JumpStart Georgia address Parliament on occasion of the International Day of Democracy.
"On September 15 the world marks the International Day of Democracy. On this occasion, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) has launched its first-ever Global Legislative Openness Week (GLOW), which aims to connect a range of legislative openness activities, organized independently by civil society organizations and parliaments around the world. ...We believe it is time for parliamentarians around the world to strengthen their roles as representatives elected by and for the public, and embrace new technologies that are changing how societies connect, communicate and govern.Georgian Parliament can do these things by adopting the application and the spirit in which it was built and by continuing to help civil society participate in improving the application to meet their needs of transparency and openness of important parliamentary information".
For the full text


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

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