Statement of Young Constitutionalists

Tbilisi. The "Georgian Young Constitutionalists' Association" has released a statement. "Following the constitutional reform of 2010, it is obvious that the President of Georgia is no longer the subject of executive authorities. His role in the formation of the Government is absolutely formal. The President no longer carries out or implements domestic and foreign policies. The Constitution identifies the Government as the supreme body of the executive branch. The latter is authorized to carry out the domestic and foreign policies.... We believe that the opinions expressed in relation to the current semi-presidential republic model of governance are not justified and are not consistent with key features of the latter. By taking into account the distribution of functions between the Government and the President, current model must be considered as the very parliamentary model", says the statement.
Source: the organization's page in the social network.


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)