Intercultural Achievement Award

The Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs has defined the "Dialogue of Cultures” to be a clear priority in International Policy. Thereby, Austria builds upon a long tradition in the field of intercultural dialogue that is deeply rooted in a history of diversity and pluralism and has been strengthened through multi- and bilateral dialogue initiatives
We are seeking applications from intercultural projects in these six thematic fields:
Arts and Culture
Human Rights
Global Citizenship Education
Which prizes will be awarded?
The IAA 2018 will be awarded for the best project in each of these five categories:
Category SUSTAINABILITY: „Best ongoing project with sustainable impact” (Prize money: EUR 10.000,-)
Category RECENT EVENTS: „Best project with reference to current issues” (Prize money: EUR 5.000,-)
Category INNOVATION: „Most innovative intercultural project” (Prize money: EUR 5.000,-)
Category MEDIA: „Best media contribution for intercultural understanding” (Prize money: EUR 5.000,-)
Category INTEGRATION IN AUSTRIA: This category is only available to projects which are active and located within Austria (Prize Money: EUR 5.000,-)
Both large- and small-scale projects within the four categories implemented by organisations or individuals qualify as potential award winners. The projects need to be either in the process of being implemented or already concluded.
How can I apply?
Step 1: Carefully read the criteria laid down in the Call for Projects and choose the category that is best suited to your Project.
Step 2: Fill in the respective form for your desired category: Sustainability, Innovation, Recent Events, Media and Integration.
Step 3: Send us your filled out application form via e-mail UNTIL 26 MARCH 2018 AT THE LATEST: dialogue(at)
Who may apply?
Applications are open to both non-profit organisations (including non-governmental organisations as well as associations, foundations, charitable educational institutions or religious organisations) and individuals. Governmental, scientific, research or international organisations were excluded from consideration. Specific criteria have to be met for each category. Please read them carefully in the Call for Projects! There will only be one winner per category.
What is the Intercultural Achievement Award?
The IAA was designed as a key project of intercultural dialogue in 2014. The award honours successful, solution-oriented projects in the field of the intercultural dialogue, both in Austria and on a global scale. The award is open to all those who identify and make use of opportunities within intercultural dialogue. It is also designed for those who have successfully explored new avenues within intercultural dialogue, who have mastered a specific challenge through intercultural actions, and who have promoted dialogue of cultures and religions through their media presence.