''Education Policy – Emancipation or Indoctrination''

Imereti. CSO IZONE has organized a public discussion on November18 in the Kutaisi Civic Engagement Center on the "Education Policy - Emancipation or Indoctrination".How does the state envisions its own future and how does it prepare its citizens for such future? What is the purpose of the education system - knowledge or indoctrination? Is the system necessary for acquiring knowledge? What are the alternative ways of gaining knowledge? What is the success today and what is its formula - who are successful and failed citizens? – These are the issues that were presented at the organized meeting and discussed afterwards.The associated professor of the Ilia State University Levan Tsagareli and the literary critic, professor of the Kutaisi AkakiTsereteli State University Irakli Tskhvediani have delivered presentations at the meeting, while the psychologist Ana Arganashvili has discussed the problems and prospects in the field of higher education.Following the discussion, the documentary of AleksandreKoridze "Che" was shown (Rose Revolution, "Kmara" (enough) Movement. 2003).


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