Draft Constitutional Amendments Discussed in Akhaltsikhe

Samtskhe-Javakheti. Draft constitutional amendments were discussed on January 26 in Akhaltsikhe. The meeting was held in the #1 building of the Akhaltsikhe State University, headed by the representatives of parliamentary majority. Representatives of local political parties and NGO sector, as well as citizens from various municipalities of the region have participated in the discussion."Vast majority of the population upholds the amendments affecting the relations between the President, Parliament and the Government, and almost everywhere except Kutaisi, we felt obvious support in removing from the Constitution the article obligating the Parliament to work only in Kutaisi", - explained Vakhtang Khmaladze."If we build a democratic country, the President, Prime Minister or Parliament cannot enjoy unrestricted rights, and as for the location of the Parliament, in light of the existing situation in Georgia, this should not be of essential importance", - said the Head of the CSO "Tolerant", Tsira Meskhishvili.All-public discussion over the constitutional amendments was organized by the National Democratic Institute (NDI). Similar meetings were held in various cities of Georgia.


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)