Election Media Centers Open to all Interested Parties on Election Day

On October 8th, on the day of the Parliamentary Elections in Georgia, all interested parties (journalists, election observers, CSOs, political parties and others) can use the  Election Media Centers (located at Centers for Civic Engagement in 10 cities of Georgia) without prior reservation. The Center premises and computer resources can be used for information-sharing and coordination purposes, as well as for the briefings and media interviews.
The Centers will be open from 7:00 a.m. till late.
Centers for Civic Engagement are located  in Sagarejo, Telavi, Rustavi, Marneuli, Gori, Akhaltsikhe, Kutaisi, Zugdidi, Ozurgeti and Batumi. Contact information can be found on the following website www.cce.ge.
Source: ewmi-access.org


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

 Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)