Youth and Drug Addiction

Adjara. The initiative group „BATUMI REPRESENTS" has held the conference in the Batumi Civic Engagement Center on the topic – youth and drug addiction. In addition, the problem of use and distribution of psychotropic substances was discussed at the meeting. As the conference organizers have stated, the interested persons have access to psychotropic substances in drug stores with no restriction and without doctor’s prescription. One of the speakers, the Deputy Minister of Health and Social Welfare of Adjara Levan Gorgiladze pledged to take effective steps on behalf of the Ministry together with youngsters to solve the identified problems. Students, schoolchildren, CSO and media representatives have attended the meeting, as well as the representatives of the Ministry of Health and young artists, who at the end of the meeting have read out the poems of modern poets to the attending audience and have exhibited their creations, and in particular the felt works.


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