EMC – regarding investigation of the fact of confrontation among military personnel

Tbilisi. "Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center” (EMC) responds to investigation of the fact of confrontation among military personnel and decease of Sergo Jimsherashvili.
On May 25 of the current year, on the territory edging a forest of Norio, there took place a physical confrontation among military personnel of the first Artillery Brigade of the Ministry of Defense, as a result of which Sergo Jimsherashvili, one of the servicemen, received brain injuries and died on September 1 at the Gori Military Hospital of the Ministry of Defense. On the basis of an appeal of the family, EMC defends interests of Sergo Jimsherashvili and his family members.
"Fully familiarizing with materials of the current case on damage of health of Sergo Jimsherashvili and failure in informing about the crime makes it clear that law enforcement agencies did not respond immediately to the fact of confrontation occurred on May 25. For unknown reasons by now, the investigation at MIA started only three days later”, - reads the statement released by EMC, - "We consider it important that the Prosecutor's Office ensures a comprehensive, complete and objective investigation in order to fully reveal the issue of possible negligence, inactivity or other personal interests and responsibility of representatives of the Criminal Police of MIA and Military Police of the Ministry of Defense. Besides, to ensure that family members of Sergo Jimsherashvili have access to the ongoing investigation process and are able to observe the quality of the investigation, the Prosecutor's Office should provide the status of successor of victim to them in the shortest possible time”.
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Source:The website of the organization


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