Environment of the runoff presidential election should be free from violence and aggressive rhetoric

Tbilisi. Non-governmental organizations release a statement on the environment of the runoff presidential election should be free from violence and aggressive rhetoric.
In light of the foregoing, we urge:
Political officials, presidential candidates, parties and their supporters:
To demonstrate high degree of responsibility when making public statements and immediately stop their aggressive rhetoric that may contain propaganda of civil war and violence, aiming to intimidate voters;
To clearly express their respect toward will of voters manifested through the second round of the presidential election;
To eliminate hate speech and undertones of violence in their public statements.
The authorities and the law enforcement bodies:
To investigate the incident of violent attack that took place in Akhalkalaki on October 30 in a timely and impartial manner, as well as any other acts of confrontation that took place during the same period. To identify all participants of the crime and hold them legally responsible;
To ensure safe and peaceful electoral environment within the scope of their competencies, before the presidential runoff, on and after the polling day.
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Source: www.isfed.ge


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