Tbilisi. On 19 June 2019, Public Defender held Round Table on Legal Status of Refugees and Aliens in Georgia in connection with the World Refugee Day. The efforts made by the Public Defender in the direction of studying the situation of refugees and aliens in Georgia was introduced at the event.
Since 2015, Public Defender's representatives have been actively studying the human rights situation of asylum seekers and refugees in Georgia, as well as carrying out intensive monitoring of access to asylum procedures at the state border of Georgia, as well as the center for asylum seekers and the procedure of determination of the refugee status in order to check the quality of the asylum procedure, with the support of the UNHCR Representative in South Caucasus; in addition, trainings are held within the framework of the project, both for the employees of the Office and representatives of state agencies with regard to asylum issues and legislation.
Source: The web-page of the organization
Standards of Accountability & Transparency
Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)