Europe Foundation’s response to the state policy on entrepreneurship development

Europe Foundation’s response to the state policy on entrepreneurship development

Tbilisi. Europe Foundation responds to the Impact Assessment of Industrial, Technical Support, and Access to Finance Components for the ‘Produce in Georgia’ Program (2014-2018) published by LEPL Enterprise Georgia operating under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.

“In August 2018, Europe Foundation commissioned a Gendered Assessment of SME Development Strategy of Georgia 2016-2020, which was later shared with relevant stakeholders. The assessment concluded that strategy development was not preceded by a gender analysis. Since needs, challenges, and opportunities vary for men and women, a gender analysis is necessary. Without this, SME Development Strategy will not lead to interventions that improve economic outcomes for women and men in the SME sector”, - Is mentioned in the response. 

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Source: The web-page of the organization


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