EMC responds to alarming situation occurred at Adjara Public Broadcaster

EMC responds to alarming situation occurred at Adjara Public Broadcaster

Tbilisi. Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) considers that editorial independence of the broadcaster confronts alarming risks and requires immediate actions to be taken.

“EMC considers that dismissing those responsible for editorial independence, unlawfully transferring them from important positions at the news office and oppressing them to quit their job is a blatant intervention of the management into the editorial policy of the broadcaster and affects independence of the broadcaster. Current situation requires extraordinary and immediate actions to be taken”, - is noted in the statement released by EMC, - “In our point of view it is essential to urge the Parliament and the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara to use effective parliamentary control mechanisms immediately in order to protect independence of the editorial policy of Adjara Broadcaster and labor rights of journalists working there as well as to strengthen institutional guarantees of editorial and organizational independence of the broadcaster”.

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Source :https://emc.org


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