Tbilisi. European Union in Georgia publishes a blog post: Covid-19: Disinformation can kill.
“The COVID-19 outbreak is a global challenge that needs to be addressed at all levels of society: we have a responsibility as individuals to make sure we don’t spread the virus and take care of each other. Municipalities, regions, and states all have obligations to secure medical services, take care of the weakest and most vulnerable among us, and maintain public order. Academia and the wider research community, the private sector, the EU, the UN, and other regional and international bodies all have their designated responsibilities and functions. In the end, the effectiveness of the global response boils down to trust and cooperation. The Kremlin’s disinformation machine is seeking to undermine this essential solidarity at a time when disinformation can well and truly kill”.
Source: eeas.europa.eu
Standards of Accountability & Transparency
Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)