Evaluation of the Law on Occupied Territories from a human rights and humanitarian perspective

Evaluation of the Law on Occupied Territories from a human rights and humanitarian perspective

Tbilisi. Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) publishes a document containing an evaluation of the Law on Occupied Territories. 

“Exactly 12 years have passed since the adoption of the Law. During this period, the Government of Georgia, in parallel with the existence of the Law, made numerous attempts to offer new peace proposals to unlawful regimes of occupied territories. However, as Thomas de Waal writes, an “unusual strength of de facto regimes” left almost no room for such offers. Along with peace initiatives, the Law on Occupied Territories also became more humane as a result of gradual changes. However, it is debatable to what extent it created an opportunity for positive transformation of the conflict and emergence of human rights and humanitarian perspectives in that process. The purpose of the article is to analyze stages of development of the Law, human rights and humanitarian dimensions and its place in the unified peace policy”, - is stated in the material.

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