Survey: Political advertising during the elections of 2016-2020 years

Survey: Political advertising during the elections of 2016-2020 years

Tbilisi. Transparency International Georgia has prepared a survey about which televisions were used by parties to place their political advertisements during the elections 2016-2020 years.

“Political parties spend a considerable amount of money on TV political advertising during the pre-election period, which is a significant part of income of broadcasters. Within the framework of the present survey, we studied data related to TV political advertising carried out by political subjects during pre-election periods as part of 4 elections held in 2016-2020 years. In particular, we analyzed data submitted by political subjects to the Audit Office and the Central Election Commission. The practice of advertising by parties also shows the polarization that the Georgian political and media space is distinguished with”, - is stated in the introductory part of the survey.

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Source: The website of the organization


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