April 2 is Autism Awareness Day

April 2 is Autism Awareness Day

Tbilisi. April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day. According to information released by the Ombudsman, within the framework of celebration of this day in the current year, the United Nations focuses on a clearly visible inequality in the world in the conditions of the pandemic, which has a negative impact also on people with autism.

“On the background of the situation entailed by the corona virus, people with autism, living in Georgia, faced a number of challenges. It became even more complicated to exercise their rights properly. The state still does not provide these people with programs tailored to their individual needs. It is problematic to access health care facilities and services, as well as non-adapted medical services. The challenge is the difficulty of communication with medical staff. There are no social or psychological support measures for people with autism and their families”.

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Source: The website of the organization on a social network


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