Tbilisi. On May 19, Georgia’s Responsible Business Awards Meliora 2020 will be conducted in an online format.
This year the Contest is intended to take place in a special format and companies will be awarded for those projects and initiatives, which they have implemented to fight against the COVID pandemic within the framework of their corporate social responsibility (CSR). “At the award ceremony, companies will be awarded for projects they have implemented to overcome the crisis caused by the pandemic, while categories are going to be as follows: supporting employees, supporting clients, customers, and suppliers, supporting society and local communities, as well as supporting SMEs and most suffered industries.
Georgia’s Responsible Business Awards Meliora 2020 is sponsored by Moore ABC. Meliora 2020 is implemented within the framework of the project “Civil Society Initiative: Sustainable, Open and Accountable Civil Society Organizations for Development of Georgia” funded by the European Union and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS)”, Georgia’s Responsible Business Awards.
Source: meliora.ge
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