Tbilisi. According to a statement released by Social Justice Center, “Georgian Manganese”, which was avoiding questions about harm caused by extraction for years, had to become a party to negotiations as a result of the protest of residents of Shukruti and thus acknowledge its responsibility.
“Unfortunately, the rule and conditions for compensation of harm caused by extraction of minerals to affected local population are still not defined at the legislative level. Respectively, population of Shukruti had to carry out private negotiations and reach civil agreement on the procedure and amount of compensation for suffered harm directly with the company. Besides, released information about the agreement, as well as an uneven and non-transparent nature of the negotiation process are essentially problematic, as fairness and credibility of the agreed mechanism of compensation remain questionable, while facts of the ongoing criminal persecution against protesters raise additional questions about the subject of the agreement”, - is noted in the statement of the organization.
Source: socialjustice.org.ge
Standards of Accountability & Transparency
Review of Civil Space in Georgia (Geo, November 2024 - Jenuary 2025)