Tbilisi. FactCheck (FactCheck.ge), a fact-checking website of Georgia’s Reforms Associates, publishes a blog post: What did Charles Michel actually say when he mentioned one generation?
“A lot of social media sites have spread news as if Michel stated in his speech: “One generation is the distance that separates your society from the doors of the European Union”.
According to the translation released by the platform, the President of the Council of Europe in reality said: “I believe our Eastern Partnership is the locomotive for transformation, prosperity and growth. It is equally a powerful symbol of openness, mutual confidence and of our cooperation. It has been one generation of independence for you. And in this one generation, the distance between your societies and the EU has shrunk in unprecedented ways. The EU is your most committed partner for greater democracy, for greater stability, for greater prosperity, and above all, for the benefits of the people of your countries”.
Source: factcheck.ge
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