13 years of being a majoritarian MP and more than GEL 13 million from state procurements to Anzor Bolkvadze's family and relatives

13 years of being a majoritarian MP and more than GEL 13 million from state procurements to Anzor Bolkvadze's family and relatives

Tbilisi. Transparency International Georgia continues to research the business interests of the relatives and associates of Anzor Bolkvadze, a member of the Georgian Parliament elected from the Georgian Dream as a majoritarian in highland Adjara.

“None of our findings regarding the activities of Anzor Bolkvadze published in 2020 have received a response from the relevant agencies. However, new circumstances have emerged that revealed additional corruption and conflict of interest risks.

This study summarizes the income received by the majoritarian MP's family members, the companies belonging to his relatives, and associates from public procurement, when Bolkvadze was a majoritarian MP, which we think depicts the MP's influence”.

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Source: transparency.ge


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