GDI: “Ruling party Continues to use justice for political revenge in the pre-election period”

GDI: “Ruling party Continues to use justice for political revenge in the pre-election period”

Tbilisi. GDI releases a statement in response to the September 7, 2021 decision of the Chamber of Criminal Cases under the Supreme Court of Georgia. With this decision, the Chamber reversed the verdict imposed by courts of first and second instance and sentenced Davit Kezerashvili, the owner of the TV Company “Formula” and former Minister of Defense, to 5 years in prison.

“It should be noted that the Cassation Chamber, reviewing the case, was chaired by Shalva Tadumadze, who held the position of Prosecutor General during both the second instance hearing of the case and the prosecution appeal of the case to the Court of Cassation. The Public Defender responded to the mentioned fact and pointed out the possible conflicts of interest. As she stated, “I am not familiar with this case, however, if Tadumadze served as Prosecutor when Kezerashvili was charged and such a fact is revealed, I assume it is a conflict of interests. I noted it in the case of Ugulava too, so if such circumstances emerge also in this case, then there is a high probability that the Strasbourg court will find a violation of the right to a fair trial, provided that this case goes there””, - is noted in the statement.

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Source: The website of the organization


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