The Coalition Reacts to the Amendments in the Organic Law on Common Courts

The Coalition Reacts to the Amendments in the Organic Law on Common Courts

Tbilisi. Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary reacts to the amendments in the Organic Law on Common Courts.

“On June 13, the Parliament of Georgia adopted amendments to the Organic Law of Georgia on Common Courts in the third reading. The Georgian Dream’s stated purpose of adopting the amendments was to fulfill the recommendations of the European Commission. However, according to the Venice Commission’s opinion, the draft law did not meet its recommendations concerning the judiciary.  That is why the Coalition calls on:

The President of Georgia to submit the Law to the Venice Commission for urgent opinion; and

The President and the Parliament of Georgia, if necessary, to use the constitutional mechanisms that will ensure the reflection of the fundamental justice sector reforms in the law in accordance with the Venice Commission’s recommendations”.

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