LBT women’s issues on the agenda of organisations working on women/gender issues

Tbilisi. On July 23rd Women’s Initiatives Supporting Group held the presentation of the research concerning LBT women’s issues on the agenda of international organizations, organizations working on LGBT issues, research institutes and funds. Event was hosted by the South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation.
The aim of the research was to identify potential strategic partners. It has been revealed that for the majority of the interviewed women’s rights, gender, sexual and reproductive health and rights organisations, foundations, and research institutes LBT issues are of the lower priority. At this point, most of the organisations do not have services that take into account the specifics of LBT women. Research institutes are not interested in working on LBT issues and have not done any researches in this direction. However most of the organisations participating in the survey, have expressed their readiness for the future cooperation.Research has been done in the frames of the project: Improving the situation of L(G)BT people’s rights in South Caucasus (Financial Supporter COC Netherlands).
Source:tge organization's page in the social network


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