GYLA and the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy Filed in Court

Tbilisi. Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy Filed in Court. Pursuant to the amendments made to the Law on 2013 Rebpublican Budget of Adjara Autonomous Republic, budget income of Adjara A/R was increased with GEL 14722700 (fourteen million seven hundred twenty-two thousand and seven hundred), including GEL 13 554 400 (thirteen million five hundred fifty-four thousand and four hundred) allocated for infrastructure and social projects. "We welcome any infrastructure and healthcare initiatives; however, the authorities must determine priorities in the process of planning the budget to increase of the budget expanses during pre-election period in violation of applicable legislation", says organization's web-page. 
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Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

 Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)