Active issues of EU integration in the south Caucasian countries

Tbilisi. On 26th of July, In Tbilisi, was held the final conference dedicated to the active issues of EU integration in the south Caucasian countries.  Final outcomes of the research done under the mentioned project were presented on the event accompanied by the discussions on active problems of EU integration issues in the south Caucasian countries. Special attention was drawn to the experience that is already accumulated in Visegrad Countries regarding the EU integration processes. 
Among the conference attendants were the experts from:  Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Hungary, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Moldova, Slovakia and Poland.
In the concluding part of  the conference the winner students revealed in the contest on the best EU integration article held within the framework of the conference were awarded.
Conference was held within the framework of the project: V4 Countries for C3Countries EU Integration, organizer of the conference: Caucasian Institute for Economic and Social Research.
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