Recommendations on improving Mechanisms of the Access of Public Information Acts was presented to the stakeholders

Tbilisi. On 29 August, 2014, the public discussion was organized by the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI),with support of USAID G-3 program in the Hotel "Sharaton Metekhi Palace”.  "Package of Recommendations on improving mechanisms of the Access of Public information  Act” waspresented by the members of the  Consortium of the Joint project under the USAID G-3 program. The recommendation package has been developed by Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), Human Rights Education and Monitoring CenterEMC, Transparency International Georgia (TI-G) and independent experts participation. The recommendation is aimed to promote establishment of legislative standards of freedom of information in Georgia. the recommendations foresees many issues amongst creation of the special supervisory body which will be guided with the  supervision and  penalty measure functions as well as the education goals.
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