‘’Let's Fight against Violence Together’’

ShidaKartli. Schoolchildren of the civic clubs of Khashuri-based schools have successfully implemented the project "Let's Fight against Violence Together" initiated at the youth forum. The project aimed to inform young schoolchildren about violence, as well as to raise their self-awareness and the feeling of empathy.
Under the project, the study on violence was carried out with the support from the Sports and Youth Office of the Khashuri Municipality. Study results have demonstrated that domestic violence is the most spread form of violence. A doctor and the representative of the Patrol Police were invited to the club to talk about this topic, who have discussed the facts and forms of violence and ways for eradicating the problem. The schoolchildren have shot a film "Don't Let Violence Happen". As part of the project, a moot court trial was held with support from the club's guardian teachers, while debates were organized with assistance from the lawyers.
The project was implemented as part of the Civic Education and Teacher Training Program.


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