Annual Summit in London – ‘’Open Government Partnership’’

The annual summit of the "Open Government Partnership" is underway in London. One of the participants is the Director of the Institute for the Development of Freedom of Information, who will speak at the event about the adoption of list of information to be proactively published by the Government of Georgia. Just a short reminder that CSO representatives have been actively involved in this respect.
"Remarkably, this change introduced in Georgia will compete for the Bright Spots Prize among the 7 successful initiatives of the Partnership members", says the web page of the Institute for the Development of Freedom of Information. Summit participants will be able to vote for one of the selected projects in accordance with the delivered presentations on each of them.
Source: the organization's page in the social network.


Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

 Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)