Election Project for Ethnic Minorities

Kakheti. The Analytical Center for Interethnic Cooperation and Consultations implements during the pre-election period the project "Your Voice Is Your Power: Information Campaign for Minorities Living in the Kakheti Region”. The project aims to facilitate the awareness of ethnic minorities living in the Kakheti Region (in particular, the Azerbaijani population) and their participation in the elections.
Within the project framework, the organization’s representatives will hold meetings in the villages, where the ethnic minorities are presented in majorities and urge them to participate in the elections. It is also planned to disseminate the information materials. On the day before the polling the organization will hold the second round of public meetings, where well-known persons will meet with the population and emphasize the importance of their participation in the elections.
The project is funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems.
For full text
Source: acicc.ge


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