Questions of the Civil Society to the Single-Seat Nominees for Akhaltsikhe

Samtskhe-Javakheti. On September25, the representatives of the NGO sector met with the single-seat nominees for Akhaltsikhe of various parties in the Akhaltsikhe Civic Engagement Center. According to the format of the meeting, questions follow the presentations of the party agendas. The meeting was organized by the Civic Engagement Center.
"We started preparing for the meeting several days ago, we notified various organizations in writing about the planned meeting and asked them to attend with questions of interest to them. The nominees have presented the pre-election agendas and responded to the questions asked", – the Director of the Civic Engagement Center AmaliaSarkisian has stated.


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Standards of Accountability & Transparency

 Review of Civil Space in Georgia (May 2024-July 2024)

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