Training in Advocacy Issues

Shida Kartli. As part of the "Civic Education and Teachers' Training Program", the training was held on October 10 and  11 in the Association "Biliki" (path) for the students of the Gori-based and Gori Municipality schools in "Advocacy - Grounds for Social Changes". First day of the training was dedicated to theoretical knowledge, and among the discussed topics were the notion and purpose of advocacy, effective advocacy campaign and its stages, various roles of the process managers, types of advocacy, and management and monitoring of advocacy results. Group work was organized on the second day - the participants chose a problem of concern to them and discussed the ways of its solution. The presentations were delivered after the group work on how would they plan the advocacy process in order to solve the selected problems.
The participants expressed the desire to deliver similar trainings directly in the school clubs and educate their peers and other students by informing them on advocacy.
22 adolescents from various schools have participated in the training. In the near future it is planned to deliver the training "Advocacy - Grounds for Social Changes" for the students of the Khashuri and Kaspi Municipality public schools.


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