Non-Governmental Organizations about GDS-TV Program

Tbilisi. NGOs issued a joint statement: "We would like to respond to the GDS-TV program aired on July 9 "flat 18" - a fragment of a woman's body contained derogatory visualization. We conclude that the transfer of the role of men and women openly sexist interpretation of this passage suggests vicious stereotypes that exist in society and contribute to the further strengthening of the need for proper assessment… We conclude that the television station, which claims not tabloid journalism, but also the future of the social - political programs have sexist content to circulate that women's inequality help to deepen, should be condemned”, said in the statement. The statement is signed by about 20 non-governmental organizations.
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Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Standards of Accountability & Transparency

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (August 2024-Octomber 2024)

Review of Civil Space in Georgia (August 2024-Octomber 2024)