“Expanding the Horizon...”

Samtskhe-Javakheti. "The International Center for Conflicts and Negotiations" has launched a new project in Samtskhe-Javakheti and Shida Kartli together with organization "Mercy Corps". The project is titled "Expanding the Horizon, Improved Choice for Professional and Economic Development of Women and Girls".As part of the project, women's rooms will be opened in these two regions, where local ladies will gain necessary knowledge. They will use Internet, a library, and the conference hall and children's corner will be arranged.The project facilitates active involvement of women in the regional activities. The first municipal women's room will be opened in Samtskhe-Javakheti – Ninotsminda, and the services in the remaining five municipalities will be provided gradually.Women's rooms already exist in Tsalka, Tetritskaro and Dmanisi. The project is implemented with financial support of the US Agency for International Development.


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