Tamar Dekanosidze: “Gender-based violence is caused by inequality between women and men”

Tamar Dekanosidze: “Gender-based violence is caused by inequality between women and men”

According to a study published by the UN Women in 2017, one of every four women has experienced some form of gender-based violence throughout her life. The same study shows that in 2017, as compared with 2009, appliance to law enforcement agencies due to domestic violence increased - in 2009 only 1.5% of women applied to police reporting about such abuse, while in 2017 this figure increased up to 18%. What is the situation in terms of this and, in general, gender related issues in Georgia? - Tamar Dekanosidze, Lawyer, a representative of GYLA and Equality Now talks about this subject.

Interviewed by Tekle Karosanidze

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