Danida Green Business Partnerships 2023 application round is now open.
About Danida Green Business Partnerships:
A fund is designed to promote market-driven green transition and inclusive economic growth. It brings commercial and non-commercial actors together in partnerships to promote sustainable climate and economic development, through projects that are able to promote commercially viable sustainable and green solutions, contributing to Sustainable Development Goals 8, 13 and 17. Projects must contribute to climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, environmental protection, biodiversity and/or desertification. Second, the project must contribute to inclusive economic growth and improved livelihoods of the target groups.
The partnership:
The project should be implemented through a partnership between one or more commercial and non-commercial partners. The partnership must include at least one key commercial partner and one non-commercial partner. There could be more partners if needed. At least one commercial partner should be international with dedicated resources to engage in the project and one partner should be a local partner.
Funding and project types:
A project can be funded either as a Full Partnership Project or a Maturation Project.
The general business idea and market development:
The project objective should build on an innovative business idea from one or more commercial partners, who have a desire to mature and commercialise it in one of the project countries. The long-term aim should be to develop a commercially viable business with an ambition to scale up in the target country and/or region, and thereby increasing the positive impact.
How much and what gets funded: The Full Partnership Project grant is 0.5-2.2 mln USD and the Maturation Project grant is 100,000-200,000 USD. The grant can cover up to 75% of the partnership budget. The remaining 25% should be funded by the commercial partner(s) in cash or in kind.
Duration: 3-5 years for a Full Partnership Project and up to 18 months for at Maturation Project.
In the documents section you can download the DGBP application guidelines including necessary templates and overview of requirements.
In case of Inquiries, please contact: Geochu@um.dk
Source: danida-business-partnerships.dk