Competition for Newspapers and Magazines

  • Contests
  • Announcer: IREX
  • Date of Announcement: 16.12.2013
  • Deadline: 27.12.2013
  • Link:
IREX G-MEDIA Call for Applications
Competition among Georgian newspapers and magazines for the two Newscoop powered websites
IREX G-MEDIA is seeking applications from Georgian newspapers or magazines interested in using Newscoop, the open source Content Management System (CMS) for news by Sourcefabric, a Czech non-profit organization, specializing in software solutions for media organizations.
More information about Sourcefabric is available here:
More information about Newscoop is available here:
Newscoop helps news organizations manage online publications, enrich content and find new audiences and is distinguished for its intelligent media archives, drag-and-drop front page management and a range of citizen journalist tools, which allow journalists to gather, compile and share news easily and effectively.
Internation Newscoop users include TagesWoche in Switzerland, ElPeriodico de Guatemala and the Yemen Times. In Georgian Newscoop users are Liberali magazine:, newspaper Batumelebi:, Netgazeti:, TV Kavkasia:, Internews', Radio Komersanti:
Technical support on Newscoop is available in Georgia from a Sourcefabric-trained local technician.
The two web sites powered by Newscoop will be transferred to the winning media organizations free of charge. Manuals for Newscoop users are available in English and Georgian; the winning media organizations should be prepared to pay the local technician for any desired modifications in web-site design and features. The local technician can also train the staff of media organization in the use of Newscoop. Currently the web-sites are hosted by Sourcefabric. If the winning organization decides to move the sites to different servers, for cost-efficiency or other reasons, then Sourcefabric will help them with migrating the sites. All Newscoop users in Georgia will receive Newscoop updates from Sourcefabric free of charge.
The applicants should demonstrate:
1. Editorial independence from political and business interests
2. Commitment to high quality journalism
3. Interest in and capacity to use new media tools.
The application should include the following:
1. Title of publication and its URL address;
2. Information about publisher(s) and address of editorial office;
3. Brief history of publication;
4. Publication profile;
5. Brief description of the publication's online activities;
6. Motivation letter explaining why is the publication interested in using Newscoop and what are its expectations for Newscoop.
The applications should be submitted by 6:00 pm of December 27, 2013 at the following address:
The winning organizations will be notified in early January 2014.
About IREX:
IREX is an international nonprofit organization providing leadership and innovative programs to improve the quality of education, strengthen independent media, and foster pluralistic civil society development. Founded in 1968, IREX has an annual portfolio of $60 million and a staff of 500 professionals worldwide. IREX and its partner IREX Europe deliver cross-cutting programs and consulting expertise in more than 100 countries.
Summary of Program:
Georgian Media Enhance Democracy, Informed Citizenry and Accountability Program (G- MEDIA), funded by USAID, is to improve the public's access to a range of news and information sources by developing a more politically balanced, editorially independent, professional and viable media sector that reaches audiences across Georgia through diverse delivery channels. The program seeks to raise the quality and diversity of media content and broaden delivery channels; improve professionalism, including through university journalism education; depoliticize the regulatory environment and strengthen journalists' capacity to address infringements to their rights and breaches of professional ethics; and improve the viability of media outlets.